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Emergency Information

1. Fire
2. Ambulance
3. Police
4. Problem Wildlife
5. Earthquake & Tsunami


As Quatsino relies on the community to respond to fire emergencies we ask everyone to make sure you have smoke detectors installed near all sleeping & living areas and keep fire extinguishers charged & in numerous easily accessible locations. Follow fire ban regulations when they are in place. Have rain barrels, buckets, and hoses on hand to deal with outdoor brush fires. 

Saving lives is a priority. Saving structures is secondary. 

FOR FIRE EMERGENCIES call an Emergency Dispatcher: Gwen 250-230-1544 or Di 250-949-7879. They will begin a community phone-out to get help and Fire Hall gear to you as-soon-as-possible. Identify the location of the fire – your CIVIC address, the type of fire and if anyone is in danger or injured. Call 911 [use code ‘Quatsino-Come By Boat’] if police, or an ambulance/med-evac is needed. [Our helicopter landing site is the Quatsino School grounds – 50 32.370 N & 127 37.520 W.] 

Do what you can to help - while keeping yourself safe! 

When a Dispatcher calls you will be provided with brief details and asked to: 

1) GO TO THE FIRE HALL – The key to the side door is in the wall box next to the door. Turn the red ribboned handle on the garage door and lift to open. Wooden totes of gear are loaded and ready to go. Totes can be loaded into a pick-up or items can be loaded separately into cars & quads. If the gear is gone when you arrive - head straight for the fire. Drive carefully – others may be rushing towards the Fire Hall to collect additional gear. 

2) ASSIST AT THE SCENE - The most qualified person on site will be assigning tasks. Volunteers will use the fire extinguishers to begin fighting the fire while the Honda pumps & hoses are being set up near the nearest fresh water or saltwater source. 

3) TAKE ON SUPPORT TASKS – Additional volunteers can provide any back-up and support tasks you feel qualified to give to help bring the situation under control: watch the pump intakes to keep them clear and providing good flow, collect more gear from the Fire Hall or neighbours, provide basic first aid services, perimeter monitoring, homeowner support, clean-up, … 

* Community members meet to hold fire drills and do equipment checks. The more people that participate the better! 

Fire Drill dates and times will be posted in the Newsletter and on the ‘Quatsino Life’ facebook page. 

* PLEASE ensure you have your CIVIC ADDRESS number clearly visible from the main road. Not everyone knows where everyone lives. 



1. Dial 911. State your civic address. (i.e. W400 Quatsino Road, Quatsino Township) Tell the dispatcher the nature of the emergency (i.e. heart attack, stroke, deep cut and heavy bleeding etc.) The dispatcher will page the Fire Department and BC Ambulance. The Fire Department will be the first to arrive to all medical emergencies in the hamlet.

2. Ensure the dispatcher does not send the Fire Department to Quatsino First Nations.

3. Perform First Aid if trained and it is safe to do so. If possible, send someone to the road to direct the Fire Department to the patient. 

4. If patient transport is required, 911 will coordinate patient transport to either the helicopter landing area (Quatsino School) or the public wharf for water taxi transport. The helicopter landing coordinates are 50  32.370 N + 127  37.520 W.

5. Paramedics will either meet the patient in Coal Harbour or be flown in via helicopter.

Emergency Information above provided by Kevin Maher, Fire Chief, Quatsino Fire and Rescue Society   250 949.0401

Port Hardy – 949-6011 –Approx 20 min.
                                  from Coal Harbour.
BC Nurse Line; toll free 1-866-215-4700     
                                   (open - 24/7)



Call a Dispatcher if on-site help is needed.   
Police dispatch is from Port Alice or from Port Hardy via Water Taxi.
We are under the Port Alice Police jurisdiction, for non-emergency calls; 1-250-284-3353

Civic Address Numbers:
In 2012 all properties were assigned a civic address number by the RDMW to assist emergency and service providers in locating individual homes. Display them, along with your name, where visible from road!  
General address maps are posted on the Community Notice Boards, and with Port Alice RCMP, BC Hydro and RDMW.


Problem Wildlife:

Black Bears, Cougars and Wolves are very common within the community. To reduce unwanted encounters with predators:    
• properly dispose of all household garbage & food scraps, 
• regularly harvest fruits & berries, 
• keep pets in at night & livestock securely pended
• do not leave BBQ’s, freezers or garbage cans outdoors during ‘bear season’.  

When outside at night take a good flashlight and be aware of your surroundings. Young children should always be under adult supervision and carry good quality whistles to scare off aggressive animals and to summon help. If confronted by a BEAR, make yourself look large, do not make eye contact. Talk to it quietly as you back away. If confronted by a COUGAR, yell and make a lot of noise and be aggressive – do not turn your back or bend over – give it lots of room to retreat. Pick up small children or pet and keep an eye on it while you back away slowly. Anyone who encounters an aggressive bear, cougar or wolf is asked to immediately notify a Dispatcher who will begin a phone out alert. If the animal is causing serious concern – or if you see a sick or wounded animal - you will be asked to call the Conservation Office at 1-800-663-9453.
For more information go to;   

*Hunting for sport within the community is not acceptable!
REGIONAL DISTRICT OF MOUNT WADDINTON    Quatsino is under the Regional District of Mt. Waddington’s jurisdiction as part of Area “C” and represented by Andrew Hory (2015)  ( The RD office is located in Port McNeill (956-4763). Web site - 

Earthquake & Tsunami:

# 1 - Basic Emergency ‘High Ground’ Evacuation Plan:

In the event of a STRONG local earthquake - one that makes it hard to stand - a tsunami will

likely be generated which could, over the next 12 hours, peak at well over 9m (30ft).


(1) Protect yourself by ducking beside sturdy furniture, a solid inside wall or inside an inner

hallway and hold on! Avoid windows, wood stoves, cupboards or any furniture that could tip

over. If outside, get away from power lines and outbuildings.

* If you are well offshore and in deep water -over 100m (330ft)- when an earthquake occurs, or

tsunami waves are forecasted, do not head for shore. Wait until an ALL CLEAR is issued.

(2) Although not all homes will be at risk, everyone should evacuate immediately after the

shaking has stopped. Be prepared for aftershocks. Depending on the epicentre of the quake

the first wave could hit in as little as 15 minutes and remember that all low-lying sections of

road will be impacted by a tsunami.

(3) With your Grab-&-Go Bag, plus pets and whatever extra gear you need, go immediately to

your nearest ‘High Ground’ rally site - leave a solid item (rock, brick, branch, ...) at the end of

your driveway to indicate you are safely away – so your neighbours won’t come looking for you.

*If you need help give 3 long equally spaced blasts from your air-horn & repeat [HELP].

(4) Once at your ‘High Ground’ site monitor your radio, cell phone or VHF channel 16 for


“Tsunami WARNING” - There is confirmed evidence of a tsunami with less than 2hrs.

until contact. FULL Evacuation to high ground recommended.

“Tsunami WATCH” - A tsunami MAY have been generated with possible contact in over

3hrs. Standby for possible upgrade to WARNING alert.

“Tsunami ADVISORY” – Strong ocean currents likely – stay away from shore.

“Tsunami INFORMATION” – Minor waves at most – Safe to return home.

“Tsunami ALL CLEAR” - Safe to return home.

(5) After an ALL CLEAR announcement has been issued, return quickly to your home to check its status then, if possible, go to the Emergency Reception Center at the Quatsino School so we can track your situation. Blankets, cots, first aid supplies, personal kits, food, and water will be available for those who need it.

Assistance will be given to those who need it by those who can provide it: first aid. billeting, search & rescue, recovery, childcare, pet care, support, ...


*Fishing and Guest Lodges will be responsible for the safety and survival of their guests and staff.

*Prearrange an out-of-area phone contact person for family members to check in with and remember to keep in touch. Children should know the name and phone number of your contact person.

*Familiarize yourself with ALL 9 high-ground evacuation sites (posted at each site and on local notice boards) as you never know when you will need one.

*If you have pets prepare evacuation supplies for them too, include leashes, food and travel carriers.

# 2 - Quatsino’s Emergency High Ground Rally Sites: 

Within 15 min. walking distance from your home & above 20m (70ft.) in elevation - plus have access to higher elevations if needed. 


#1 – Chris Addison’s driveway hilltop 

#2 – ‘Big Tree’ hilltop 

#3 – Transfer Station 

#4 – Bergh Road hilltop 

#5 – near Solga’s forest access road 

#6 – Kevin & Wendy Smith’s driveway hilltop 

#7 – Colony Lake Trail parking lot 

#8 – Power line access trail 

#9 – End of drivable road hilltop 

• At the Rally Site try to stay calm, warm & dry. Build a fire if safe to do so. Keep busy as you may be there a few hours. 

• Provide comfort and support to other evacuees. 

• Do not leave the site until an ALL CLEAR has been issued. After shocks may have generated more tsunamis – which can travel from 500mph in deep water down to 30mph in shallow. 

• Keep in touch with other Rally Sites using VHF Ch. 06 or by cell phone texts if possible. Use Ch. 16 for medical emergencies only. 

• If you have a safe evacuation site well over 20m in elevation on your property and don’t plan to gather at a Rally Site let someone know so time isn’t spent worrying about you. 


#3 – Basic Community Evacuation Plan: 

If Quatsino receives an Official Evacuation Order: 

(A) in Anticipation of an Emergency: 

(a distant earthquake/tsunami event with OVER 2 hours lead time.) 

1. As soon as you are aware of an ‘Evacuation Order’, or if a ‘Tsunami Warning’ has been broadcast from your Smart Phone, by email, or from your land line, gather your Grab-&-Go Bags and prepare to leave Quatsino. 

Bank your wood stoves, flip off your power breaker, and lock your doors & windows. Place a large solid item (rock, brick, branch, …) at the end of your driveway to indicate that you are safely away. A community sweep may take place if time allows. Those without a boat should have pre-arranged for emergency transport to Coal Harbour and should go to the nearest private or public wharf for pick-up. All boat operators should scan wharves as they leave and pick up any remaining evacuees. 

2. During the run to Coal Harbour contact will be through VHF Ch. 06 (Quatsino Sound Marine Transport). Let them know who you have on board and when you will be arriving so they can keep track of evacuees. 

(B) after a Tsunami Event: 

(this may be hours, days, or weeks after the event) 

1. When the waterways are clear, and it is safe to evacuate the community, an ‘Evacuation Order’ may be given depending on the extend of the damage that has occurred in our community. Reassemble your Grab-&-Go Bags and proceed to a safe, accessible loading site to await pick-up. 

2. Boat operators / helicopters will begin relaying evacuees to Coal Harbour with priority given to the injured, families with young children and seniors. 

Once in Coal Harbour: 

If your vehicle is safe to drive - go straight to Port Hardy’s ESS Reception Centre at the Civic Centre. Once there, information, first aid and health services will be available and, if needed, requisition forms will be issued for food, clothing, transportation, incidentals, pet care and lodging. 

ALL EVACUEES MUST REGISTER so your family and friends will know you are safe. 


An Evacuation Order may be in effect for at least 12 hours if tsunami damage is minimal and may be days/weeks/months/years if major damage has occurred. 


#4 - Basic ‘Grab & Go’ Bag: 

Prepare for the worst-case scenario; it will be dark, cold & wet, power will be out, cell service will be overloaded, and your home may be severely damaged by the quake or by the resulting tsunami. Also, Quatsino will not be high priority for immediate outside assistance in a major coastal disaster. We may be on our own for days. 

FOOD & WATER (enough for 12 hours / person) 

*Ready to eat – easy open canned food that can be eaten cold [beans, fish, fruit,..] & a spoon 

*Packaged food – dried fruit / bars / wrapped candy, crackers

*4 L bottled water / person


*Cell phone, charger power pack & cable / VHF radio

*Portable AM/FM radio & extra batteries

*Flashlight & extra batteries 

*Whistle / Air-horn / Signal flares

PERSONAL EFFECTS (store in waterproof bag) 

*Photocopies of important documents (passports, medical records, health cards, birth certificate, prescriptions, insurance policies, banking info, family phone numbers, passwords,) 

*Medications & pills (enough for 1 week), extra glasses

*Small First Aid kit with instruction booklet

*Personal toiletries (toothbrush, TP, …) , disinfectant wipes

*Playing cards / pocketbook / paper & pencil / jack knife, twine

*Cash in small bills / spare car keys


*One full set of warm clothes per person (in a waterproof bag) 

*Large heavy-duty orange garbage bag & a sleeping bag or warm blanket per person

*Candle (tip proof) & BBQ lighter

(WEAR if time allows) 

*Sturdy walking boots / rubber boots

*Rain gear, warm coat, work gloves and a hat 


- Avoid ‘brain freeze’ - Tack onto your bag a list of items not stored in your evac bag so you won’t forget anything in your rush to evacuate: cell phone, wallet, car keys, VHF radio, cat, … 

- Store your Grab & Go bags in a secure rodent and moisture proof metal or heavy plastic container that is easily accessible near or in your vehicle. Divide everything into manageable tote bags or backpacks. 

- Remember to check and update your evac bags twice a year (Daylight Savings Time?) and replace food items and batteries once a year. 

- Keep your bag weight at 20% of your body weight since you may need to carry it.

Note: After a major earthquake / tsunami event all our community spirit and survival skills will be needed. People may be hurt, homes and wharves lost, roads will be blocked, outside communication may be minimal. The community will need to work together to ensure everyone gets the help and support they need. 

Quatsino is a small hamlet located on Quatsino Sound in Northwestern Vancouver Island, Canada and only accessible by boat or float plane. Its nearest neighbour is Coal Harbour, to the east, about 20 minutes away by boat, and Port Alice, to the south, about 35 minutes away by boat.

Site design and maintenance by Justinen Creative Group
 110 Evenson Road, Quatsino BC V0N 2V0

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